“Theosofisch” creatieve ambtenaren van @gem_Eindhoven bepalen in zekere zin wat “echte” religies zijn voor haar inwoners. Lees hieronder het bizarre rijbewijs aanvraag proces van een #Pastafarian in de gemeente Eindhoven. https://dingetjesdiegebeuren.wordpress.com/ Dat terwijl in Den Haag de gemeente zich niet…
Categorie: Internet Nieuws
Holy Wi-Fi: Russian Church to offer free, ‘clean’ internet to all
Yes it is true, the Russian Orthodox Church is going to offer free “clean” internet to all. https://www.rt.com/politics/321064-holy-wi-fi-russian-church/ #kopimi
The Norden – Religion #kopimism #kopimi https://youtu.be/W-kANR1vJkM?t=20m0s
The Norden – Religion #kopimism #kopimi https://youtu.be/W-kANR1vJkM?t=20m0s The Norden – Religion Marty McLain, a conservative pastor from Douglasville in Georgia, USA, visits the secular Nordic countries. What role does religion have in the Nordic societ…
US Pastor Gets Mind Blown in Atheistic & Kopimistic Europe! #kopimi https://www….
US Pastor Gets Mind Blown in Atheistic & Kopimistic Europe! #kopimi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVc1ab2RcMs US Pastor Gets Mind Blown in Atheistic Europe! Excerpt from the documentary series “The Norden”. American pastor Marty McLain visits the secular Nordic countries. What role does religion…
#Documentary – Amazing #Marriage #Customs – #China Anthropology 101 – #video #ko…
#Documentary – Amazing #Marriage #Customs – #China Anthropology 101 – #video #kopimi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHR9F4G0kvc Documentary – Amazing Marriage Customs – China Anthropology 101 – English narration w Chinese subs Beautiful Documentary from China. Unspoilt and pure marriage customs from a place…
Desperate Ways the Church of Scientology is Trying to Stop "Going Clear" – #kopi…

Desperate Ways the Church of Scientology is Trying to Stop “Going Clear” – #kopimi http://www.alternet.org/media/6-desperate-ways-church-scientology-trying-stop-going-clear 6 Desperate Ways the Church of Scientology is Trying to Stop “Going Clear”www.alternet.orgAlex Gibney's HBO documentary has set off a war with the famously aggressive…
Happy #PiDay – #kopimi http://www.vox.com/2015/3/14/8207747/pi-day-pie-charts
Happy #PiDay – #kopimi http://www.vox.com/2015/3/14/8207747/pi-day-pie-charts 11 amazing pie charts, in honor of Pi Daywww.vox.comHow best to celebrate Pi Day? With some pie charts, of course. Here are our favorites.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. #…
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. #education #AlbertEinstein #kopimi Chronik-FotosNo problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. #education #AlbertEinstein http://aweacademy.com/