Op 16 februari 2020 overleed Larry Tesler. Larry staat bekend als de uitvinder van de kopieer en plak functie op de computer. Zonder deze heilige uitvinding had de wereld veel minder delingen van informatie mee mogen maken dan nu het…
Article 13: That moment when all information on the Internet is to be monetized, online free speech stops being free. #kopimi
Europe be like: Content Censored because of Censored. #kopimi
In Memoriam Ian Murdock founder #Debian #Linux. apt-get –include-mourning rip imurdock #kopimi
#Kopimi The #Netherlands #public #skype #channel uri skype:?chat&blob=nZezJ-Xs30rfjrQdgeQbkRIidBoGcRBk9Z1QFDL4ZEGA5tM4mhePQztWUG45Gw
US Pastor Gets Mind Blown in Atheistic & Kopimistic Europe! #kopimi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVc1ab2RcMs US Pastor Gets Mind Blown in Atheistic Europe! Excerpt from the documentary series “The Norden”. American pastor Marty McLain visits the secular Nordic countries. What role does religion…
Army of God? 6 #Modern-#Day #Christian #Terrorist #Groups You Never Hear About. #kopimi http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/army-god-6-modern-day-christian-terrorist-groups-you-never-hear-about Army of God? 6 Modern-Day Christian Terrorist Groups You Never Hear Aboutwww.alternet.orgJust because they don't get as much coverage as ISIS or Boko Haram doesn’t mean…
This could be another “case” for Mulder and Scully #kopimi #video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDvwOPlp0hI Catatonia-Mulder and Scully (Music video) I found this song, what about Mulder and Scully and I can't stand that I make this vid, so… I hope you like…